The Coach: Mike Trees

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  1. 5 Simple Steps to Achieve a New Running Target

    5 Simple Steps to Achieve a New Running Target

    New year, new decade, new running goals! How to make them achievable? Mike Trees shares his experience.

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  3. How to Stretch Before Running

    By. Mike Trees 03 November 2019
    How to Stretch Before Running

    How to Stretch Before Running

    Keeping your muscle flexible is the key to staying injury free. Let’s check the stretching for hamstrings, quadriceps, calf, and ankle.

  4. Morning Vs Evening: What is the Best Time to Run?

    Morning Vs Evening: What is the Best Time to Run?

    Whatever your choice, morning or afternoon, check out these tips before you start running.

  5. 4 Benefits of Running on the Sand

    By. Mike Trees 18 October 2019
    4 Benefits of Running on the Sand

    4 Benefits of Running on the Sand

    Do you do your daily run on the road? Time to change your ground: Try running on the sand.

  6. Injury 101: Everything You Need to Know From Shin Splits, ITBS, to Plantar Fasciitis (Part 2)

    Injury 101: Everything You Need to Know From Shin Splits, ITBS, to Plantar Fasciitis (Part 2)

    The most feared thing for runner: in.ju.ry! From definition to causes and treatment, here are the most common injuries for runner.

  7. Injury 101: Everything You Need to Know, From Shin Splits, ITBS, to Plantar Fasciitis (Part 1)

    Injury 101: Everything You Need to Know, From Shin Splits, ITBS, to Plantar Fasciitis (Part 1)

    The most feared thing for runner: in.ju.ry! From definition to causes and treatment, here are the most common injuries for runner.

  8. Recognize 9 Symptoms of Over-training in Runners

    Recognize 9 Symptoms of Over-training in Runners

    We all know that exercise is beneficial, but over training has no benefit. Lot of runners are experiencing it. Let’s know the syndrome so we can avoid it.

  9. 5 Track Rules Every Runners Must Know

    By. Mike Trees 24 September 2019
    5 Track Rules Every Runners Must Know

    5 Track Rules Every Runners Must Know

    Running track is getting easier to be found in Indonesia nowadays. But not every runners know the rules. Let’s learn.

  10. Knowing the Causes and How to Reduce Side Stitch While Running

    Knowing the Causes and How to Reduce Side Stitch While Running

    Ever felt pain on one side of your abdomen? This issue is called side stitch, which even though consider pretty common, nevertheless does bother. Here’s everything you need to know about side stitch.

  11. 2019 Bali Marathon: Tips for Running Uphill and Downhill

    2019 Bali Marathon: Tips for Running Uphill and Downhill

    Bali Marathon race is famous for its notorious uphill which often makes runner daunted. Relax.  Where there’s uphill, there’s downhill. Conquer both with these tips.
